The NEUBIE (short for Neuro-Bio-Electric) is a Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) device that uses a Direct Current electrical frequency via pads placed at areas targeted for rehab or training to stimulate muscle, tissue, and nerve activation, and increase blood flow. An NMES device elicits muscle contractions using electrical impulses delivered through electrode pads on the skin. It is used clinically for a variety of indications including musculoskeletal injuries. NMES works by delivering impulses to neuromuscular tissue to mimic action potentials from the central nervous system. These impulses communicate with sensory and motor neurons to activate contractile muscle fibers.

Training with NMES leads to adaptation of cells of muscles, blood vessels, and nerves can result in long-term changes and enhance traditional therapeutic approaches. For example, in sports medicine, NMES has been used for muscle strengthening, maintenance of muscle mass and strength during prolonged periods of immobilization, selective muscle retraining, and the control of edema. It is suggested that NMES can cause muscle strengthening via a reversal of voluntary recruitment order with a selective increase of type II muscle fibers. Because type II fibers have a higher specific force than type I fibers, selective augmentation of type II fibers will increase overall strength of the muscle.

The NeuFit Method uses a combination of NMES and functional movement because it maximizes the effectiveness of both training modalities. The NeuFit Method uses a combination of NMES and functional movement because it maximizes the effectiveness of both training modalities. The combination works especially well because it generates neuromuscular adaptations while allowing adjustment of motor control in voluntary movement. When NMES is used in combination with functional training, clients show greater induction of muscular adaptations, improved performance of complex dynamic movements, and accelerated recovery of muscle contractility and functional abilities.

CASE STUDY - 51 Year old Male with
Chronic Low Back Pain

Using the Neubie Machine on the Quads

Using the Neubie Machine to stimulate the ab muscles.

Neubie Master Reset - great to help destress and helps with sleep.

Neubie Hand bath - helpt with hand and wrist pain like arthritis.

What issues can clinicians treat with the Neubie & NeuFit Method?

Clinicians have been able to use the NeuFit Method and the Neubie Device to help patients recovering from:

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Ankle sprain

  • Shin splints

  • Knee ligament injury

  • Jumper’s knee

  • Hamstring strain

  • Pulled groin

  • Strained quad or hip flexor

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Rotator cuff injury

  • Shoulder impingement

  • UCL strain

  • Tennis elbow

  • Epicondylitis

  • Carpal tunnel

  • Trigger finger

  • Arthritis

  • Swelling and lymphedema

  • Other strained or torn muscles

  • Chronic pain

  • Recovery from orthopedic surgery

Clinicians have also seen success using the NeuFit Method to help patients with neuromuscular re-education and regaining function lost due to:

  • Stroke

  • Spinal Cord Injury

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.)

  • ...And other neurological injuries or diseases

After helping people recover from their initial injury, many practitioners also use the NeuFit Method and Neubie Device to help patients and clients return to fitness or sports performance training, supporting a sustainable and efficient regimen that often helps them achieve results faster and safer than traditional training.

Neubie Session Prices

One 40 Minute Private Session on 1 Muscle Group:

One 60 Minute Private Session on 2 Muscle Groups: $250

Shared Neubie Session on 1 Muscle Group:
$90 per person